
“Sweet” Sweater Embroidered in Sequins

This is super easy! And you can do it with any word and any color sequins.

This is a sweater I scored at the thrift store that I thought could use a bit of bling. I love words on everything so I thought I would add sparkly sequins spelling out the word “Sweet”.

I played around on the computer with some script fonts and landed on one I liked.

Feel free to download and use to make your “Sweet sequined embroidered shirt”

I printed it out in a size I thought would look good.

Easiest transfer method: The easiest way to transfer the letters onto the sweater I found was to trim the paper down to the edge of the type on the top and bottom and then simply trace along the bottom edge and add dots at the top of each letter. Then remove the paper and connect the top of the letters to the bottom line.

I didn’t use any special marker, I used an inexpensive marker from the dollar store that I had tested on a scrap of fabric that was washable. Kid friendly markers are usually washable too.

You can also use a recycled piece of cardboard box under the front of the sweater to stabilize it a bit. This also prevented my stitches from catching the back of the sweater.

Once my word was drawn on the sweater I simply stitched each sequin on the line. I used two stitches for each sequin so they would lay flat.

This is a very zen stitching project. I did it in a few sittings while listening to the TV. I definitely plan on stitching more sequin words on my clothes.


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Stefanie Girard

Stefanie Girard is a crafter with a re-purpose. She has been cutting stuff up since she was old enough to hold a pair of scissors in her tiny hands. She earned her degree in Industrial Design from Pratt Institute and move to Los Angeles to work in the entertainment industry first as a Set Decorator and Prop Master then onto TV Producer specializing in How-To TV shows for HGTV and the DIY Networks. After writing 5 craft books for the Quarto Publishing Group she now spreads the crafty word online through original projects and designs with a focus on recycled elements.

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