
Make a Vintage Button Card Journal and GIVEAWAY

I decided to make a vintage button card journal because I love to make lists.  With the new year here I find I’m making lists every day.  Goals for the year, things to do, crafts to make.  They all go onto lists.  Then I lose the lists.  In order to stop this vicious cycle, I’ve started keeping my lists in journals. The thing is, I come up with some of my best ideas on the go so I need something compact, hence the birth of my Button Card Journals.

Vintage Button Card Journals:Buttons Galore

All the vintage button cards I owned had some buttons that were hideous.  The buttons were odd colors and looked damaged, so I pulled off the old buttons and glued on new ones!  Presto!  A little bit vintage, a little bit modern.  Perfect!

Vintage Button Card Journals:Buttons Galore

Supplies to make a vintage button card:

Instructions to make a vintage button card:

  1. Measure your button card and multiple the width by 2 and cut a rectangle from your cardstock and copier paper.  For example, if your button card measures 3″ tall by 2″ wide, you cut your rectangles to be 3″ x 4″.  Lay the cardstock down, then pile up a few rectangles (maybe four or five) of your cut copier paper down on top of it.  Fold it all in half and then staple along the fold.  Your journal is done.
  2. Cut the old buttons off the vintage button card.   Glue new, colorful buttons onto the card.  Allow to dry.
  3. Glue your modernized button card onto the front of your journal.

Vintage Button Card Journals:Buttons Galore


Instead of gluing your new buttons onto the vintage button card, you can also sew them on, then you can clip them off later and use them in a project, which would make the journal a darling gift for the seamstress in your life!


Post this project to PINTEREST  with #vintagebuttoncard in the description and be entered to win $25 in buttons and glue.

Contest closes January 10,2013 at midnight.  Winner will be posted on Facebook and on this post.





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8 Responses to Make a Vintage Button Card Journal and GIVEAWAY

  1. Alice January 4, 2013 at 2:32 AM #

    Super cute.
    I’m doing this!

  2. gina o January 4, 2013 at 4:51 AM #

    What a super cute idea! and you are so right…the little bit of modern mixed with a little bit of vintage is awesome! Thanks for sharing

    I pinned this http://pinterest.com/pin/213569207301016107/

    Happy New Year!


  3. Amy#8546(TheTigersHaven) January 4, 2013 at 4:28 PM #

    I pinned this. http://pinterest.com/amyj5565/laura-bray-projects/

    This is so cute. I love this idea. Buttons are so fun to create with. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Jamie January 9, 2013 at 2:09 PM #

    Pinned it!! http://pinterest.com/pin/188166090653064087/

  5. malia January 10, 2013 at 12:15 AM #

    Darling! I love buttons!

  6. malia January 10, 2013 at 12:17 AM #

    here’s my pin: http://pinterest.com/pin/153403931029379036/


  1. Vintage Button Card Journals - Laura Bray Designs - January 3, 2013

    […] Card Journals Written on January 3, 2013 by Laura Bray in Create My monthly project is up on Buttons Galore and More blog today and I think it might be one of my all time favorites.  Little journals, made from […]

  2. Vintage Button Card Tag - October 1, 2013

    […] as we speak (I know that is where I would go right now). I chose the vintage button card idea at Buttons Galore & More as inspiration to get creating. Not super happy with my tag but it’s better than most I […]

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