I don’t know about your house but in my house we have FOUR young people. They are VERY BUSY young people and each one has a bulletin board. They are a super easy way to communicate within such a busy family. (Besides text messaging that they tend to read and then forget) A note on a bulletin board is a little harder to forget. It stays there, quietly reminding, until the event or reason for the note has passed.
Anyway, why have a boring bulletin board when you can have one that fits your decor, your personality or your hobbies?

This bulletin board uses a cork tile, a bandanna and a 12×12 frame along with a few other supplies.

Cover the cork tile in Mod Podge.

And then smooth the bandanna over the Mod Podge and let dry.
Here is a tip: Before spreading any Mod Podge decide which portion of the bandanna design you want to see on your bulletin board. Don’t cut it all out ahead of time. Just figure out where you want to place the bandanna. (Cutting out the fabric ahead of time makes it too hard to line up.)

While the Mod Podge is drying you can make your thumb tacks or push pins. I simply hot glued white buttons to a flat topped thumb tack. Be careful of that hot glue! You could also use Amazing Goop or a cool temp glue gun a well. Poke the tacks into a piece of corrugated cardboard or foam core while they are drying to keep them upright.

My button push pins.
After the Mod Podge is dry cut away the excess fabric and insert it into the 12×12 frame.

Now you can embellish to your little hearts’ content. I used hot fix rhinestones in two sizes, Thickers alphabet stickers and the heads from 4 “silk” daisies.

Isn’t this fun? Girlie but not too girlie. Country but not too country.