
Tag Archives | bib necklace

Button Bib Necklace

I’ve admired bib necklaces for quite some time now.  I love how whimsical they look, especially if they are covered in buttons.  They can elevate a plain t-shirt and jeans outfit into something really special and it doesn’t have to cost much.  Yes, you can buy very expensive “statement” necklaces, but with a little felt and a jar of buttons you can create something really beautiful.

Button Bib Necklace: Buttons Galore and More

Supplies for a button bib necklace

Instructions for a button bib necklace

1. Lay the bib necklace template onto felt, pin in place, and cut out two bib shapes.

Button Bib Necklace: Buttons Galore and More

2. Starting at the center of one of the bib shapes, begin sewing buttons onto the felt.  Working your way out from the center will give your necklace a centered focal point.

Button Bib Necklace: Buttons Galore and More

3. Leave about 1″ of the felt on the ends unembellished.

4. Measure two pieces of ribbon (one for each side) to the length you want your necklace to hang.  Bib necklaces usually look best hung at your collar bone.  Don’t forget to allow some length so you can tie the necklace around your neck!

5. Lay the unembellished piece of felt down on your work surface.  Place the front piece over it.  Make sure it lines up nicely.  Gently lift the ends and slide your ribbon ties in places.  Pin and either hand or machine sew the ribbon between the two pieces.

Button Bib Necklace: Buttons Galore and More

6. To attach the front and back of the bib, use a strong fabric glue or whip stitch them together.

Button Bib Necklace: Buttons Galore and More

Thanks for getting crafty with me today!  For more button crafts, stitching and lifestyle ideas visit me on my blog at www.laurabraydesigns.com.

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