I love to make new fun with old scraps and recycled do-dads. Buttons are a perfect addition to any mix and match project because you can get buttons in a million different colors and sizes so you’re sure to find something that fits what you’re doing. Next time you’re looking for a little creative project that’s quick and easy, pull out your fabric stash and some buttons and make a pile of these mini art pieces.

Mini button art from craft scraps and buttons
You can either stitch everything together or use fabric glue, whichever you prefer. Mix in some paper, embroidery thread, fabric and whatever else you’d like to add. You can turn these mini button art pieces into pins to wear, keepsake gift tags or even frame them for a truly unique piece of decor.

make cute button art with fabric and buttons
The flower button in this project was one of the special crafter buttons called Start Ups. You can color them to make your own unique look so I put mine in some Rit dye along with some fabric scraps to get the vibrant new colors out of old drab fabric. You can also color the Start Ups with alcohol ink markers.

make your own cute button art
I used denim, linen and cotton fabric along with a variety of individual buttons, some Start Ups and embroidery thread. Any kind of extras would work. So the next time you find yourself wondering what to do with some of your craft scraps, grab a bag of buttons and make yourself some fabulous mini art pieces. They make great gifts and are simple enough that your kids can help too!