Felt and button crafts – S’mores by the Fire – DOLL Size are quick and easy kids crafts that are created with bright and colorful Laura Kelly buttons.
It is that cool and breezy…camping time of year again.
Here is a quick and fun craft idea by Laura Kelly (and her beautiful step-daughter Jordan) for little girls…and their dolls to enjoy. Creating with felt and buttons is both economical and simple.

To make Felt and button crafts S’mores by the Fire you will need:
Laura Kelly buttons in Sunshine Yellow and Outrageous Orange, Sticks (real ones from the yard), Felt in yellow and orange, orange ribbon and hot glue (ad-tech lo-temp is what I used with kids)

How to make Felt and button crafts S’mores by the Fire:
Assemble three sticks approximately 5-6 inches long each in a bonfire arrangement and hot glue them together. Add felt flames in orange and yellow followed by buttons and ribbon in the same colors. Using similar colors will help to make it look real.

For extra fun, make a marshmallow out of white felt and a white button or a s’more out of brown buttons for crackers and chocolate added to your pretend marshmallow.

Have a great time enjoying your camp fire and your button and felt S’mores. Happy Springtime, Camping, Outdoors and Creating!