
Button Embellished T-shirt Necklace

Button Embellished T-shirt Necklace

Button Embellished T-shirt Necklace


T-shirt necklaces are super popular right now. I really like them… but then again, I like my jewelry to be kind of big and chunky!

To find out how to make the t-shirt portion of the necklace visit Whole Living or there are a few companies such as consumercrafts.com who sell the strips of colorful cotton all cut up and ready to go.

Why yes, I DID take the easy way out! :)

To add the buttons I simply cut one of the black t-shirt strips and threaded the buttons on and then tied the ends together again. The buttons I used are from the Gold and Silver Grab Bag.


Button Embellished T-Shirt Necklace


On some of the smaller buttons it can be kind of tricky to get the fabric through the shank of the button. I pushed it through with an awl just until I got enough fabric through to grab hold of and then I pulled it through with a pair of pliers. This technique tends to stretch the cotton out so you’ll have to cut a little off the length when you tie the ends together again.

Twist the t-shirt strands together and adjust the placement of the buttons to your liking. You can put the whole necklace over your head in a single loop or double it like I have here and use a clasp ring that opens (like the ones you find in the office supply store) and closes to secure the ends.

Super easy, super trendy and a great way to wear your favorite buttons!



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  1. Button Embellished Lariat Style T-Shirt Necklace | Buttons Galore and More Blog - November 9, 2011

    […] is my second version of the T-Shirt necklace made with buttons. My first T-Shirt necklace was the Button Embellished T-Shirt Necklace and you can read more about it by clicking on the […]

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